I had gone to the Minack Theatre in Cornwall with the Cambridge Gilbert and Sullivan Society. We were sleeping on the floor of a school and, by the end of the trip, everyone had slept with everyone else and no-one was speaking to anyone. It was wonderful. The creator of the Minack, Rowena Cade, had literally hewn the theatre out of the rock. She was about 83 when we went and had a cloud of white hair. During a tech rehearsal for our show, she had broken her hip and everyone was very worried about her. There’s a butler character in Ruddigore called Old Adam and, weirdly, Rowena also had a butler called Adam. On the last night, we were really hamming it up and, at one point, possibly during this song, there was a big moon rising behind the theatre. There, silhouetted against the moon, appeared Adam, pushing Rowena in a wheelbarrow. It was an exquisite moment.