A joint production by Nimrod
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A joint production by Nimrod
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Including the theme tunes of two TV series, the titles of six thematic tracks on an as-yet unreleased album are to be discovered, together with the working title of the album. The second and second-last letters of single redundant words in each of 33 clues in order spell the six titles. The wordplay in each of the other 18 clues does not indicate one or more letters of the solution, allowing solvers to identify in different quarters of the grid four blocks of four letters each. These blocks may be used to reconstruct the central area of the grid, revealing the album title. Including a title, the name of the person who is mixing the album is to be written under the grid. 9ac and 24 are in SOED and 15 is in Collins and SOED; otherwise all grid entries are at each stage real names or phrases/entries in Chambers.
Mixed by: ________________________________________________________
All entries to be received by 24 February 2023.
The first correct entry drawn will receive a £75 CUP book token and a copy of Devil-Land, England Under Siege, 1588-1688 by Dr Clare Jackson.
Two runners-up will receive a £50 CUP book token.
Solutions and winners will be published in CAM 98 and online on 10 March 2023.
1 A short riddle like this (4, 2 words)
9 Right-wing Quebecois Club letter boxes (4)
12 Marines east of capital, troubled, sent update abroad? (9)
13 Celebrity heading for Tyneside, say? (4)
15 What about Latin – suitable for schoolkids in Texas? (4)
17 Functions of Spaniards maybe crossing inhospitable area (13)
18 Fish combo is sent back by lady, oddly (4)
20 Kicking sexist husband out, she can become established (5, 2 words)
21 Problem grandma’s equilibrium disturbed, having disposed of dram! (4)
23 Caging new, superb rare bird (3)
24 Hats off to Telegraph hound, after you in the country (3)
25 Very large bagpipe opening (2)
26 Assigned to cricket side against Leicestershire (2)
28 Troops aptly are redeployed as machinists (9)
33 Emaciated patient turning up to propose (5)
35 Tinting solution received by hairdresser in secret memo (5)
37 Lineman fitting square back into brown shovel (7)
38 Seafront with a most prominent address (6)
40 Top secret engineering position (6)
42 Recalled liberal leader of honest ambassadorship – and fine Chancellor (4)
43 Person exposing Yorkshire Water (5)
44 What makes glassware tough? Annealer, finally (4)
45 I see they overpaid entrepreneur somewhat (3)
46 Being in the Med, sail around watery expanse (7)
47 Headland scared African royal (3)
1 Relations misuse sums of cash – instant outgoing (5)
2 Small reef in the sea (4)
3 Marlowe devotee runs away from society member (5)
4 In a hurry, phoned leader writer? (7)
5 Entertain habit in the morning break (5)
6 People from the south can’t, I’m assuming, have hidden agendas (5)
7 In pursuit of half-century, one swings, risking edges (5)
8 Who conveys to press negative carried in attaché case of ambassador? (7)
9 We will be released by sexy ale producers (5)
10 One chap turning over about a bushel (4)
11 A consumer of mother’s ruin not getting one round (5)
14 The greatest gardener in India (4)
16 Obsession of navel-gazer not entirely impartial in this affair (4)
19 Perhaps enjoying the mineral springs of Cape Town, prepare to depart (6)
22 Entertaining pro, silly getting up before eleven (6)
25 Making a scene Bigelow will choose to forget, she’s ejected from steakhouse after fracas (7)
27 Spotted guzzling wine on counter, they require aspirin (7)
28 White wood barrel in the firing line (6)
29 Everyone else afraid to remain (4)
30 Like bird’s phenomenal behind (6)
31 Print only a part of snotty editorial, perhaps? (4)
32 Cassiterite, chemical most often first to rouse sound sleeper? (6)
34 Rock solid fantasies of old imams (5)
36 Totally remote from the sea – and lost (5, 2 words)
39 Jesters step up to play the fool (3)
41 Miss out on close call (3)