2s, 3s & 5s by Nimrod
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2s, 3s & 5s by Nimrod
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Two integers x and y, terms 2 and 3 in a mathematical series, are to be deduced. Each term in the series is described by reading – in order, in two sets of x across clues – the 2nd, 3rd or 5th letter of the superfluous word in each clue. Five exemplars uniquely identify y: (i) letters obtained in the same way from two sets of x in the remaining clues; (ii) the rest from sets of x in the grid, which
must be highlighted.
In three other clues a sequence of, respectively, 2, 3 and 5 letters must be removed before solving: unjumbling each sequence successively provides a further two-word hint for the highlighting.
1 Worker spies children dropping out of tree (3)
4 Guardian man’s endlessly bullish about reference books (8)
11 Novel plots from them, maybe (4)
13 I forgot to tell you I agreed upon particle physics (5)
14 First-time-out female jockey coming clean (7)
15 This pilgrimage through Buddha’s birthplace makes flagrant charge (4)
16 Airline flies Pole back (5)
17 Some local railway tracks about town (3)
20 Commander cunningly stationed counteracting agents (9)
21 Belting up, this person now back in seat, for unconventional departure (7)
23 Empty a Scottish stream (5)
25 Supply minibus following misfortune (3)
27 Go round in hell topless, would secretary (6)
28 Fans see replay off and on (3)
29 Cox shifting section aft spreads weight, technically (5)
30 Urge to acquire perfume (7)
32 A bottle drip-feeding overdose by turns? Not necessarily (9)
37 Openings for registrars and nurses (3)
39 Old stamping ground’s retro dishes (5)
40 Unbridled bunkum about City brokers (4)
41 At front of display cabinet lies gold tooth (7)
42 Leader of Islamic believers from Mumbai, possibly? (5)
43 Taking a westward route, drew near summit (4)
44 Up and moving the charges without a war, any (8)
45 Strain from country cycling anticipated of course (3)
2 In truth policemen don’t change for the better (5)
3 Bride overlooking a special bubbly table mates arrange for engagement (8)
4 Deposit mutinous sailors (6)
5 Books culprit, having picked up dive at Brisbane Road? (4)
6 Through lowest points, what comforted rising playwright (8)
7 One year in home was enough for objectionable old man (5)
8 Taking old money between him & me and her & me sorted our budget (7)
9 Foreign royal’s boosted opening ceremony (4)
10 Saunas, say – wholly edifying bathes yet to be tried (9)
12 High School afraid to ring one number belonging to man in the village? (4)
18 Springy, I’ve fable to perform (4)
19 She’s on the tail of a shifty copper in a train moving south of Belgium (9)
22 One stops showing a capital T for Tolstoy? (8)
24 Furnish sparkling tinsel trim for Christmas trees (8)
26 Patriarch oversees case of love and sex (4)
27 Wall in northern bar keeps shelves of Bud hidden (7, 2 words)
31 The lecherous look of the old earl, regularly picking up ladies (6)
33 Misguided belief she’ll be looking after her pups (5)
34 Stupidly pass up hot water north of the border (4)
35 Large dormitory scrubbed, shifting obstinate dirt (5)
36 Boat ready for Chinese guy leaving Mexican peninsula (4)
38 One thousand hot cross buns (4)
All entries to be received by 31 May 2024.
The first correct entry drawn will receive a £75 CUP book token and a copy of Professor Stephen Hawking’s final book, Brief Answers to the Big Questions. Two runners-up will receive
a £50 CUP book token.
Solutions and winners will be published in CAM 102 and online on 14 June 2024