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Courting Success

The Cambridge University Squash Rackets Club blends competitiveness with fun

  • Interview
    Diane Shipley
  • Photography
    Adam Lawrence
- 1 minute read

Twice-weekly training. Weekly fitness sessions. Occasional friendlies against the Army. Being a member of the Cambridge University Squash Rackets Club (CUSRC) requires commitment – especially if you land a coveted team spot.

The upside? Athletic excellence, says Law student Isaac Freckleton (Trinity). “You play people who are very good and have a high level of fitness, so you can really push yourself.”

This hard work pays off. The men’s Blues and second teams ended the 2016/17 season top of their respective divisions in the Cambridgeshire League, while the women’s Blues snatched victory from Oxford in a nail-biting Varsity final.

Student playing squash

The club also boasts some impressive former members, including Scottish international Harry Leitch (Fitzwilliam 2003) and Ali Hemingway (Jesus 2011). But there’s more to life than winning, as Freckleton points out. “I’ve made some of my best friends through the club.”

And no wonder. Captain of the men’s second and third teams last year, his unofficial role as social secretary means he helps to organise a couple of dinners a term for all members plus smaller, ad hoc events.

Historically, the different teams have kept to themselves, so Freckleton’s job is to encourage them to mingle. “It’s really nice to train together and then go to drinks or dinner and get to know people better.”

The CUSRC is planning an alumni dinner for current and former members. To find out more or to be added to the mailing list for future events, please email Isaac.

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